Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cart Path Only

The golf course has been primarily "Cart Path Only" since November. With the uncharacteristically warm winter we have had so far this year, there has been a lot of play on the course. This is great to see and as an avid golfer its nice to swing the sticks during a time when you usually are only watching golf on TV.

Unfortunately, we have had a lot of cart damage on the course, despite the fact it has been "Cart Path Only." As a golfer I understand the hassle of the Cart Path Only rule but it's there to protect the golf course. A small inconvenience now will keep the course playing well for a long time.

Here is some damage that occurred over this past nice weekend. This is a photo from the front of #9 Fairway. I don't think any golfer would like to have their ball end up in this mess. This rut probably only a few seconds to make, however we will spend hours of labor, plus seed and sand to repair. If we can get this spot to heal in by summer it would almost be a miracle.

Here is a photo from #5 Fairway. With our course being tree lined it takes a considerable amount of time before the frost lifts. I often will let golfers out before the frost is gone but ask for Cart Path Only. Carts do a significant amount of damage when driven through a frosted area. Here you can see where carts drove through frost and notice the amount of wear near the path.

I please ask that when the Cart Path Only rule is effect, please do not drive the carts off the path. It requires a significant amount of time, money, and labor to repair the damage caused from a few seconds.

Thank you.