Friday, August 5, 2016

Greens Drain Blowouts

July was a very hot, wet month for us.  It showed us many of the problems we have here on the golf course, specifically our drainage or lack thereof.  The biggest problem that faces us is the Greens drainage.

With every Green being lined by a thick piece of plastic, the only way for water to exit the Green cavity is through the drain tiles underneath.  If that water isn't able to exit, it can increase soil temperatures to lethal levels for Bentgrass as well as promote several other issues like Wet Wilt.  We have found most of these drain tile exits buried in the forest and uncovered.  However, now we know most of them to be clogged either by plant material growing up inside of them or animals making nests.  Here is a picture of one of the drain tile exits we found on Hole #12. 

No matter what is blocking the drain pipes we do have the ability to clear the blockage through the Greens drain blowouts.  Each Green has 1 to 3 blowouts but finding them can be very tricky.  During installation these blowouts were buried underground.  In the picture you can see one we found on Hole #14 and luckily it is only a few inches under the surface.  However, some of them have been as deep as 7"!  Finding them is a very slow process.  Some of the blowouts have a wire at the exit we are able to trace.  However many of them have no wire and it involves being extremely lucky by hitting the 4" cap with a probe somewhere around the Green.

Once we find the blowouts we are able to use a hose from our irrigation system to blast 125 PSI of fresh water through the line.  This has helped removed all the blockages so far.  We are using fresh, clear water into the blowout but what comes out isn't so pretty, or good smelling.  Its been a slow process but we've been able to clean out several of our more problematic Greens.  This will really help our Greens drain.