Most damage to a golf course is caused from things you would not expect. Mechanical damage is one of the biggest problems and we strive to keep the damage minimal. It is impossible to prevent completely and accidents do happen.
You might notice some brown lines on our #2 Fairway up near the Green. This was caused by a hydraulic leak on one of our Fairway mowers. Luckily our operator noticed the leak right away which prevented much more damage. Our mechanic was able to fix the problem the same day, but unfortunately some damage was done. The fluid burns and kills the grass so we will have a little blemish until the grass grows in over it.
The biggest problem lately has been the mis-application of fertilizer a few weeks ago. We are glad to see most of the overlaps did not result in any turf loss, but a few greens did get damaged. We experienced a rare problem called "Etiolated Tiller Syndrome" (ETS) in those overlaps which can cause turf loss in high traffic areas. Our #8, 10, 12, 14, and Practice Greens have a few trouble areas. It seems the effects of the fertilizer are finally starting to stop, the ETS is going away, and we can start addressing those problem areas on those Greens.
Unfortunately a continued problem which hurts us most is golfers taking divots on our Greens. At least once a week we have to repair a divot on our Greens. If you know of anyone, or see anyone taking a divot on a Green please notify the Pro Shop. This is an act of vandalism and it would be nice to see this damage go away.
Damage to turf can come in a number of ways, but damage from machines and people always seems to be the biggest problem.